蜜汁蔓越梅紅薯 Maple-Cranberry Sweet Potatoes

材料 Ingredients
紅薯 Sweet Potato 4 磅 lb (1.8 公斤 kg)
純楓糖 Pure maple syrup 1 杯 cup
鹽 Salt 1+1/3 小匙 tsp
新鮮蔓越莓 Fresh cranberry 1-1/2 杯 cup
牛油 Butter3 大匙 Tbs

食譜來源 Recipe source: Kate Mathis‘s Maple-Cranberry Sweet Potatoes

2. 鍋裡水煮滾後放進1小匙鹽和紅薯(水要蓋過紅薯),加蓋用中火煮到用叉子可以很容易插進去的程度,約15分鐘。撈出紅薯濾乾水份,放在一旁待涼。

1.Peel and cut the sweet potatoes crosswise into 1"(2.5cm) slices.
2. Bring half pot of water to boil then add 1 tsp of salt and sweet potatoes (The water needs to cover the sweet potatoes.). Cover and cook over medium heat until a fork can easily insert, approx. 15 minutes. Drain the water and set the sweet potatoes aside to cool down.
3.Place the maple syrup in a small pot and bring it to a boil. Turn the heat down to medium and cook until reduced to half, approx. 10 minutes. Add the cranberries, 1/3 tsp of salt and butter. Continue to cook until the cranberries pop, approx. 5 minutes.
4. Arrange and overlap the sweet potatoes slices on a shallow ceramic or glass baking dish. Sprinkle with the cranberry syrup.
5.Preheat the oven to 400˚F(205˚C).
6. Bake until the sweet potatoes are heated through, approx. 20 minutes.

最後更新 (Last Update): 11/25/2016
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